Tuesday, November 28, 2017

I Don't Give a Fuck if You Follow Me on Instagram

I Don't Give a Fuck if You Follow Me on Instagram
by Joni Marie Newman

I'm a ten-time published cook book author.

I've been a food blogger since 2006. Back when blogging was more of an online diary than a business. I hesitantly posted my first sponsored post just this past summer, for a hundred bucks and some condiments. I don't have any pop-up ads trying to get you to sign up for my email list. I don't understand SEO. I don't know how many subscribers I have. I don't know the difference between page views and unique visitors.

And I don't care.

I don't make any money from my blog. In fact, it costs me several hundred dollars each year just to keep it live. I'm not even counting the hours spent on developing recipes, editing the recipes, and taking some kind of photo for the post, never mind the money spent on ingredients. Any pennies I collect from affiliate links don't even cover the cost of my domain fees.

I will continue to pay to play.

I have mad respect for those of you out there that can make a living as a blogger or social media influencer. Good for you. You are changing the world. Seriously! The next generation will be grateful for the work you put in to pave the way for an entire new industry.

I fucking hate selling myself.

I'm also a 42 year old woman with a mortgage, and a husband, and a dog to feed. I really need to know where my next paycheck is going to come from. Let alone try to set up some sort of retirement for myself. So, I have a job. I work in an office 40 hours each week. (And part time, on a farm, on the weekends, mostly because I just love going to the farm and getting dirty.) And, if you don't see me at every vegan event, it might be because, I dunno, I need a little time to myself. To do laundry, or, honestly, to sleep.

I have 6114 followers on Instagram.

I had to work really hard to get to 6000. I spent lots of time following other accounts, commenting, liking, and trying to figure out just the right combination of hashtags to use. I tried using different types of backgrounds. Overhead shots. Extreme close-ups. Off the cuff candids. Even the occasional duck-lip selfie. But for the last year I have hovered around 6100. Completely stuck right at that number for a whole year.

I am not a professional photographer.

Nowadays, if you are a great cook who creates great recipes, you'd better be a great food stylist and photographer, too. Or, at least, have enough money in your bank account to pay one...Because there are some really great photographers out there, taking really amazing photos of food. There's a reason someone else takes the photos for my books. And, although, I fancy myself a pretty good amateur phone photog, there is no keeping up with the pros.

I am a goddamn cook.

I know how to make tasty fucking vegan food that everyone will love. Even my Dad. And my dad can be an asshole when it comes to these types of things. So just leave me to the food. Y'all can take all the pretty pictures you want to. Because, here's the thing, I don't do it for the clicks. I do it for the animals.

I go to my job so when I get home I can get to work.

Please understand, the whole vegan recipe thing? It is my passion. It is my work. I do what I do to prove you don't have to kill, torture, or exploit another living creature just for a tasty supper. I've done pop-ups that end up costing me money, even though I completely sold out of food because I don't charge enough. Why? Because I want tasty vegan food in people's mouths. Not just the elite folks who can afford a $10 vegan taco, but everyone.

My shit is cheap.

It would be free if I could afford to give it away. And that's why I don't ask you to join my Patreon, or have a donate button on my website. If ever I do ask you for money, you can almost guarantee it's for some charitable cause. Don't get me wrong, I have ZERO animosity for those of you out there with rock hard abs and two hundred thousand followers, or your perfectly posed acai bowls, or your funny memes, or your make-up tutorials (Trust me, I follow you, too!) As long as you are promoting veganism, I don't really care how you get yours. As the kids say, "You do you."

I don't give a fuck if you follow me on Instagram.

Just know this: I am going to keep on creating recipes anyway. And I will keep posting them on my blog. And I will keep doing pop-ups that cost me money. And I will keep on teaching vegan cooking classes for free. And I will keep on posting crappy pics of the unbelievably fucking delicious vegan food.

Go vegan.


  1. YES!!!!! I sooooooo relate to this, Joni! I could not care less how many followers I have and I don't care that I am not even a decent amateur photographer. All I care about is that people have ideas of where to find vegan food, whether at a vegan or non-vegan restaurant or at home, and where to find vegan products like deodorant, etc. That's it! Thank you so very much for your incredible recipes that I've been cooking from since you first started blogging and released your ebook (I still have a hard copy!) and for your incredible devotion to the animals. I always say I like to lead by example and you are an excellent leader.

    1. Thanks, Jenni! I appreciate your kind words, and I love running in to you at vegan events. It's been a while, we need to get together again, soon!

  2. Hell fucking yes! I relate to so much of this, keep on being amazing!

    1. Thanks, Andy! You keep being awesome and amazing, too!

  3. Girl, I am with you. I have no idea how many followers I have on any platform. I just love it and I love being vegan and I love building community. I've noticed that now when I tell people that I have a blog, I feel the need to add a disclaimer like "it's just a hobby blog, nothing fancy!" because their expectations of blogs are so different now! I def don't have great pics and I don't even write recipes!! Ha ha. All I have to share is enthusiasm! Amey

    1. It's so true! I seem to get the side eye when i say I'm a blogger. Either from older folks who think I'm not willing to "work" for a living, or from younger folks who wonder why I don't do it for a living. Haha. Yep, It's a hobby blog. But why on earth should we have to justify that to folks?! I love you , mama, and I feel like us gen x'ers kinda got stuck in the middle of this whole social media explosion. We get it, we understand it, we use it. But we were already too entrenched in our lives (homes, bills, careers) to really make a go of it, ya know?

    2. Oh my gosh, yes, I think you're so right about our generation and social media. How interesting. I'm totally into it, but I feel like my use of it and the (valuable) place it has in my life is already completely outdated! ha ha. How is that possible? I have so many more ideas for blog posts than I ever get around to because I am also busy teaching yoga, managing the studio, and running my own life! Love to you, friend. Glad you're out there. <3

  4. Yaaaaaaas THIS. I feel the same.

    1. Seems like there are a lot more of us who feel this way than I thought!

  5. You are my hero!!! I feel you. Thank you for expressing this better than I could.

  6. I hate selling myself too! Maybe we should sell each other to just make it easier on us? Love you Joni!!
